Waste Management

Illegal Dumping


The Bush is NOT your bin! 

NPARC is currently running an awareness and education campaign to help reduce the amount of illegal dumping in the beautiful and unique Northern Peninsula Area.

Did you know that the NPA Transfer Station is free for waste disposal - and is open daily?

You can see the details below. While we know that dumping near your home may be convenient please support our community and take your rubbish to the NPA Transfer Station.

Report Illegal Rubbish Dumping: T. (07) 4090 4119 or (07) 4090 4120.

NPA Transfer Station at Umagico is Open to Public:

Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4.45pm

Saturday 8.30 - 2.45pm

Sunday & Public Holidays 2pm - 5pm

NPA Transfer Station @ Umagico is Located on Injinoo Rd - the main road between Umagico and Injinoo.

NB. The Injinoo landfill (located on southern exit road) is closed to the public, open by appointment only.


What can be dumped at NPA Transfer Station

  • General household waste
  • Green waste
  • Automotive waste - incl. tyres, batteries, old vehicles
  • Building waste
  • Fishing waste


If you see illegal dumping report it to Council

Report illegal dumping to NPARC Bamaga Office - Call: 4090 4119 or 4090 4120.

Or, report via 'SNAP. SEND. SOLVE.' app - download to your mobile device via Google Play store or Apple App store. Simply snap a photo, upload, write a few details and press Send to NPARC. Council will review to Solve the issue.

View Video - Bush is Not your Bin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKVYabQiB-A


Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council received funding from the Queensland Government’s Litter and Illegal Dumping Partnerships Program.


NPARC Refuse Collection

  • Kerbside collection
    • Monday and Thursday
      • Seisia, New Mapoon and Injinoo
    • Tuesday and Friday
      • Bamaga and Umagico
  • Commercial properties
    • Wednesday


Public Toilets

The following public toilets are serviced by Council Waste Water staff every week:

  • Seisia Wharf
  • Bamaga Oval
  • Lui St Park, Bamaga
  • Alau Beach (Umagico)
  • Injinoo Lookout


Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council is pleased to continue to provide temporary toilets facilities at Pajinka (Northern most tip of mainland Australia) and Muttee Head.

The temporary toilets have been installed for the convenience of visitors to the area and to reduce the environmental and visual impact on the area from human activity.

Council has a schedule to pump out and clean the toilets and replace toilet paper. Visitors are asked to provide their own toilet paper - where possible.

Pajinka: Council is also working towards the installation of permanent toilet facilities at Pajinka (The Tip), with these facilities expected to be completed during 2024.

Muttee Heads: Currently under construction, the new Public Toilet facility is expected to be completed by 20 July 2024. During the building period, the public campground will be closed.

Somerset Campground: Toilets are serviced by Land and Sea Rangers. *** Currently under maintenance repairs (25 June 2024) - the toilets are closed to public. Apology for inconvenience

Jardine River Ferry: Toilets are serviced by the Ferry Crew.

*** Please report any issues with the toilets to the NPARC office in Bamaga (4090 4119 or 4090 4120).



Temporary toilets at Pajinka (The Tip)