Elected Council

As required by section 150DX of the Local Government Act 2009, Council has developed a Councillor Conduct Complaints Register. The register lists complaints made against councillors and the outcome of these complaints.
The registers of interests are an important document that identifies the potential conflicts of interest of the Mayor and Councillors.
The Councillor Conduct Tribunal is an independent body responsible for dealing with complaints of misconduct by councillors.
Results of all elections can be found here
Declaration of Results for the 2024 local government elections
A declaration for The Northern Peninsula Area has now been finalised and the results notices published.
The Councillors represent five divisions, and each Councillor is elected by eligible voters in each division. Their key role is to plan for the future of their local community and put in place the strategies and policies to achieve those plans. In doing so, Councillors must make decisions for the benefit of the entire local government area, not just the interests of the particular division they represent.
The Mayor has the same responsibilities as other councillors plus additional roles including presiding over meetings and representing the Council at ceremonial and civic functions.
Queensland local government elections are held every four years, with the most recent election held on 16 March 2024.
You can also check the interactive map on the Electoral Commission of Queensland website.
Printable PDF maps of each Division can also be downloaded from the ECQ Local Government maps web page.
The role of a local government Councillor is a demanding one. It requires knowledge of local government systems, an interest in people and a willingness to invest time and energy in serving the needs and interests of the local community.
Candidates must complete mandatory So you want to be a councillor governance training no more than six months before nominating for any election or by-election, even if you have completed the training before. The training provides information about accountability, decision-making and other matters.
The Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012 determine how local government in Queensland is constituted and the nature and extent of its responsibilities and powers. It aims to provide a system of local government that is accountable, effective, efficient and sustainable.
Under the Local Government Regulation, Councillors must complete a Register of Interests of financial and non-financial particulars. Each Councillor's Register of Interests is publicly available and can be found on their Divisional webpage via the links below.
The Local Government Remuneration Commission is an independent body established under the Local Government Act 2009. Its functions include establishing the categories of local governments, deciding the category to which each local government belongs, and deciding the maximum amount of remuneration payable to the councillors in each of the categories. Councillor remuneration is reviewed annually.